The reel is the part of the fishing rod that the line is wound up in, and gives the fisherman the control they need in terms of both length of the line as well as the available tension.
Most might think that a reel is a standard piece of equipment that is part of any rod, but the reels vary greatly depending on the type of fishing that they are being used for.
When going out fishing, it’s important to have the right kind of reel for the job. Taking the wrong kind can ultimately lead to a multitude of problems, such as the line snapping, or even permanent damage to the rod. Here we will look at the most common kinds of fishing reel and what they are used for.
Spinning Reels
This is one of the most popular fishing reels on the market, and is generally used when fishing in fresh water. It’s the perfect choice for the beginner fisherman who are going out for their first time, but it’s also a common choice among experienced anglers that want something dependable and robust.
They work well both both live bait and lures, and with a bit of experience, it’s possible to get some seriously impressive distance on each cast. They are not perfect, however, and it’s more than easy to tangle and twist the line and are not always a great choice when fishing on the coast.
Spincast Reels
This is one of the simplest reels on the market, and while it’s not always the best choice for beginners, they tend to be forgiving enough that just about anyone can make use of them.
They have a special nose cone at the top of the reel in which the line feeds through, making it more difficult for any tangles to form. And while this can be appealing for its simplicity, the closed nature of the design means that it’s relatively easy for debris to get inside the reel and cause the inner workings to clog up.
Baitcasting Reels
Baitcasting reels have a different design to most of the other reels mentioned on this list in that the spool is open to the elements and it’s up to the fisherman to use their hand to control the length of the cast rather than a break mechanism. They tend to be quite customisable and make for a great choice for a variety of different species of fish, although most fishermen use baitcasters to catch bass in lakes and dams.
One major downside to this kind of reel is that they can be prohibitively expensive, especially as the quality of the reel goes up, meaning the fisherman might have to spend a few more daily hours at
Baitcasting reels are aimed at those that know what they are doing, which means that it’s not generally a great choice for beginner fishermen, who could easily tangle up the line as it’s being cast out into the water. For this reason, a baitcaster it worth investing in after a few years of experience catching fish.